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School Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

school arrival and dismissal

Arrival Procedures

  • 5th and 6th graders shall enter side gym door 1 and proceed to bag check.
  • 7th and 8th graders shall enter side gym door 2 and proceed to bag check.
  • Students are not allowed on campus before 7:00am. 
  • Students must enter the school building by 7:15am in order to travel to locker, breakfast line, and homeroom.  The school day begins at 7:25am, therefore all students must be seated in the homeroom by 7:25am. Students not seated in homeroom at 7:25 are marked Tardy to School which will result in disciplinary action according to the St. Mary Parish Student Code of Conduct.  
  • Cell phones must be powered off prior to entering the school building.  
  • Per district guidelines, upon morning entry, students will enter the cafeteria, wash hands, and walk thru the breakfast line, passing the point of service. 
  • If the student wishes, he/she will eat breakfast in the cafeteria, proceed to the hallway lockers, then sit in the designated hallway reading silently until 7:17. At the 7:17 bell, students will enter the homeroom classroom. During homeroom, uniforms will be checked, all money and paperwork will be submitted, and the teacher will conduct role.  
  • All bags and powered off electronic devices must be secured in the students assigned hallway locker for the entire day.


Bus Riders

  • Bus riders are expected to remain seated, respectful, and follow all directions of the bus drivers. 
  • District policy prohibits the use of cell phones and any blue tooth enabled device on school transportation.  
  • School transportation is an extension of St. Mary Parish School Campuses; beginning from the time the student crosses the threshold of the home in the morning until he/she returns home following dismissal. All expectations and consequences are applicable.   


Car Riders

  • Car riders are expected to enter the school building by 7:15.  
  • Car riders will be dropped off at the bus canopy 
  • The exterior doors close at 7:20am. If a car rider arrives after 7:20am he/she will not get to homeroom by 7:25. Parent/guardian must sign in students at the front office if entry to school is past 7:20am.  



  • Walkers are expected to enter the school building by 7:15 & may not be on campus until 7am. 
  • Walkers will enter the building at the bus canopy.  
  • The exterior doors close at 7:20am. If a walker arrives after 7:20am he/she will not get to homeroom by 7:25. Parent/guardian must sign in students at the front office if entry to school is past 7:20am. 


Dismissal Procedures

  • 5th graders are escorted to dismissal zones prior to junior high students dismissing.
  • Car riders will report to the car liner hallway.
  • Bus riders will report to the designated bus lines in the gym.
  • Walkers and bike riders will exit the designated hallway.
  • Athletes shall dismiss at the final dismissal bell and immediately report to the designated areas.