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School ceremonies, clubs, etc

School Traditions, Ceremonies, clubs, sports Dances, honors, ETC

AFter school tutoring

Students that meet district criteria according to the pupil progression plan are eligible for tutoring. Students scoring below basic on the LEAP exam in Math and/or ELA are required to attend tutoring for the entire academic school year. Students that earn an F on their report card in Math and/or ELA are required to attend tutoring until the grade improves at the end of the next grading period. 



  1. Athletic memberships are available to students in grades 6, 7, and 8.  Club memberships vary for elementary/middle school students.
  1. Any eligible student interested in joining or maintaining membership of a club or team may obtain active membership upon completion of the requirements that follow:  
  1. A completed tryout packet and a copy of the students' most recent report card must be turned in on the first day of tryouts for all clubs and athletics. No student with an F on their report card will be allowed to try out for any club or athletics.  
  1. Students trying out for any club or athletics must be present and actively participate during all try out days.  
  1. All club and team members must agree in writing to assume responsibilities including, but not limited to, rules and regulations, transportation to and from, attitude, grades, attendance, fundraising, expenses, and discipline.  

Athletic and club rules and regulations  

  1. Cell phones and electronic devices (including smart watches and air pods): ARE NOT ALLOWED during games and practices. Cell phones shall remain in the off position unless use is granted by the director.   
  1. Appearance and respect for the uniform:  
  1. Members of clubs and teams will respectfully wear PJHS uniforms and club attire.  
  1. Uniforms or any part of the uniform should not be worn except for approved club and team events.  
  1. Jewelry (watches, body jewelry, bracelets, chains, art, tattoos, piercings, etc.) is not permitted in uniform. Stud earrings on the lobe of the ear are permitted for clubs.  
  1. Members are expected to wear all components of the uniform in its entirety. Members are expected to arrive and leave the event fully dressed in uniform. Removing shirts is prohibited before, during, and after non water sporting events.  
  1. Attitude  
  1. Attitude is the key factor in PJHS clubs and athletics. Therefore, members must be positive, helpful, and cooperative always with other members and all faculty and staff. Any disagreeable attitude toward faculty or staff will result in immediate disciplinary action. The sponsor, coach and/or principal hold the authority to dismiss any member at any time for unsatisfactory behavior.  
  1. Each member of clubs and athletics must act for the benefit of school spirit and should in no way act in a disorderly manner. Members of PJHS clubs and athletics are walking examples of PJHS.  
  1. Smoking or vaping is not permitted and will result in automatic dismissal.  
  1. Profanity or derogatory comments will result in disciplinary action.  
  1. Inappropriate posting to online social networking sites or school sites is not permitted and may result in dismissal from any PJH club or athletics.  
  1. Suggestions or complaints should be directed to the club sponsor, coach, or principal, not posted on social networking sites. Malicious gossip, idle talk, rumors, and unacceptable behavior destroys any group and will not be tolerated and may result in dismissal from any PJH club or athletics. 
  1. Grades  
  1. Work before play. Each club and athletic member is expected to maintain grades and submit all assignments. All members are required to show progress reports and report cards to club sponsors and coaches per deadline.  
  1. Grades below D are unacceptable. Members having a D in any subject will be placed on probation. Once the next reporting period is complete, the D must have gone up a letter grade to get off probation.  
  1.  Probation means a member will still participate in all activities, perform, and play in events and games.  
  1. Members having an F in any subject will be placed on suspension. Once the next reporting period is complete, the F must have gone up a letter grade to get off suspension. If the grade has not improved, the member will be dismissed from the club or team.  
  1. Suspension means attendance is required at all functions, practices, and performances, but performing/playing in a game is not allowed until grades are brought up.  
  1. Attendance  
  1. Each club and athletic member must attend all mandatory events.  
  1. Summer camp attendance is mandatory for all dance and cheerleading members. This is an important event that prepares all members for the upcoming school year.  
  1. The coach or club sponsor must be informed of your absence prior to any missed practices or games. An approved doctor’s excuse must be turned into the office and coach or sponsor within two days of the missed practice or game. If your absence from school is unexcused, then your absence from practice or game is unexcused.  
  1. Expenses  
  1. Fees for uniforms, uniform accessories, and transportation may be endured for any club or athletic members.  
  1. Some athletic clubs provide uniforms in part or whole, while others require members to purchase part or whole. Fundraising projects will be organized to help defray some of the expenses. Cost will be carefully considered for all requirements.  
  1. Members that fail to submit required payments by deadline are subject to dismissal.  
  1. Formations 
  1. Dance and cheerleaders will remain in formation in their designated position at events, unless granted permission from an officer or coach.  
  1. Members of athletics are expected to remain with the team during games and events. Members are not permitted to leave the dugout or sidelines of any athletic event to visit family members, friends, or concessions stands. Volleyball and basketball members will remain with the team during the entire game. Softball and baseball players will remain in the dugout during the entire game. Football players will remain in formation on the sidelines and field with their helmets on. Track members will remain in the designated area for all field and running events during the entire meet. For student safety, running back and forth to visit fans or concessions is not permitted at any sporting event.  
  1. Club and athletic members are expected to pay attention to the event, as you are an active member of the team.  
  1. Eating is not allowed during games and practices unless permitted by the coach. 
  1. Member versus participant 
  1. Once selected on a team or club, you are a member. All members must put forth the required effort and dedication to be eligible for participation. Just because you are a member of a team or club, does not mean that you will participate in all games. Active members are required to be present and dressed out for all events, whether participating or not.  
  1. Discipline  
  1. The following offenses warrant immediate removal from any club or athletics: suspension from school for any reason (ISS), fighting at school, under the period to and from school or at any school related event, drug possession (including vapes) at school or any school related activity, threats in any form directed to any student, staff, or school (including but not limited to verbal, physical, social media networks, or school technology platforms), profanity/disrespect/demeaning/slander directed towards any teacher or staff, any videos, social media videos or posts (on or off school grounds) brought to the attention of the administration or coaches that falls within the above mentioned categories. 
  1. Coaches and Club sponsors may issue demerits. Some examples include but are not limited to unexcused absences from practices or games, responsibility, having all required uniform components, misconduct on and off campus, failure to make required payments by deadline, etc.  




BETA club is by invitation only. Beta is a service-oriented academic club and is composed of junior high students who maintain a minimum 3.25 grade point average.


Cheerleading tryouts are open to incoming seventh and eighth grade students. Any student who wishes to try out for cheerleading must maintain a minimum 2.0 grade point average with no more than one F. Team members must remain in good academic standing, adhere to all team rules and bylaws, and always exhibit Top Jack behavior

dance team

Dance Team tryouts are open to incoming seventh and eighth grade students. Those wishing to try out must maintain a 2.0 grade point average with no more than one F. Team members must remain in good academic standing and adhere to all team rules and bylaws, and always exhibit Top Jack behavior. 


The 4-H club is open to boys and girls in all grades and involves activities in the area of agriculture and home economics. 


Insight is a club for young Christians. Membership is open to any student interested in joining. Meetings are held weekly during lunch.   

quiz bowl

Quiz bowl is a quiz-based competition club that tests players on a wide variety of academic subjects.  Quiz bowl team is open to 6, 7, and 8th grade students. Tryouts consist of after school meeting days in which students complete a minimum of 30 standardized questions comprised of history, literature, science, fine arts, current events, popular culture, sports, and more.   

field trips

Field trips are intended to supplement different aspects of curriculum and to introduce students to the resources of the community and state.  Parents will receive notices of field trips in advance of the scheduled trip and must sign field trip permission forms. Background checks for chaperones will be completed prior to the trip. Students should conduct themselves as if they were in the classroom. Parents chaperones must conduct themselves in an orderly manner. No cursing, no smoking, and no modeling of other inappropriate behaviors are acceptable. Students must ride the school bus to the field trip and return to school on the bus. Students are not allowed to be checked out during the field trip. Check outs are handled through the office only. Parents who attend as chaperones are expected to dress accordingly: no tank tops, short shorts, half-shirts, sagging pants, etc. Pictures should not be taken of children during the field trip and posted online via social media. Failure to adhere to the expectations can result in dismissal of future chaperoning at PJHS.  

school dances

Eligible PJHS students can attend school dances and must be present at least (4) class periods on the date of the dance. Students attending a dance must wear shirts and dresses with sleeves. No visible skin may be seen between the top of the pants, skirt, or shorts and bottom of the shirt in the front or back. The length of skirts, dresses, and shorts must conform to school policy. Any student with dress code violations will not be allowed in the dance. All school debts must be cleared prior to attending. Any student with an outstanding disciplinary record is not allowed to attend the dance.  

Academic honors

Principals’ Awards are presented to students having a 4.0 grade point average each nine-week grading period.  

Honor Roll Awards are presented to students having earned Honor Roll each nine-week grading period.  



student of the year

PJHS recognizes one outstanding 5th grade student and one outstanding 8th grade student each year. Students must meet the district guidelines for eligibility. 

year end awards

Principals’ Awards are presented to students having a 4.0 grade point average the full academic year.    

Honor Roll Awards are presented to students having earned Honor Roll the full academic year.  

Highest GPA Awards are presented to the student with the highest academic average for the year in math, science, social studies, and language arts.   

Citizenship awards are presented to a male and a female student in each grade. These awards are voted on by the faculty of PJHS.  


8th grade promotion ceremony

Students must pass academically to participate in the eighth-grade ceremony.  Students failing any of the following may not participate in the ceremony: (1) ELA, or (2) Math, or (3) BOTH Science & Social Studies, (4) or two minor subjects (i.e., PE, music, band, computers, etc.). All students must pass the fourth nine weeks (no Fs). Students assigned to the St. Mary Parish Alternative Program are not allowed to participate in the ceremony. Students with outstanding disciplinary consequences are not allowed to participate in the ceremony.  All debts must be cleared for eligibility to participate in the 8th grade ceremony.