School Wide Expectations and PBIS
School-Wide Expectations & pbis
Top Jack Expectations:
- Make smart choices.
- Speak respectfully.
- Follow directions quickly.
- Arrive to class and be seated on time.
- Have all necessary materials, including ID visible.
- Raise your hand to speak or leave the classroom.
- Keep your hands, feet, and all other objects to yourself.
Top Jack Card Holder Rewards- Platinum, Gold, Black, & Red! Students are rewarded throughout the year for upholding Top Jack academics and behavior.
Principal’s 100 Club-Receive a ticket for going above and beyond! Students observed helping others, counseling, encouraging, or doing a good deed are rewarded with a Top Jack 100 Club Ticket! Students then sign the Celebrity Book, enjoy a sweet treat, and enter a raffle to win a surprise.
Student of the Month- PJHS recognizes outstanding students from each grade level monthly that exemplify Top Jack expectations.
Student identification cards must be visible at all times. Temporary ID and/or replacement ID can be purchased during morning entry. Temporary ID $1; Replacement ID $5; Lanyard $3
spirit days
Spirit shirts may be worn with approved pants/shorts, skirts, etc., on such designated days as determined by the principal. The students have the option of wearing the spirit shirt or the standard school uniform. Blue jeans may be allowed (when designated by the principal) but must meet the same criteria as the uniform pants. Jeans must be free of holes, rips and frays.
dress down guidelines
Students have the option of dress down days when designated by the principal. Students that do not adhere to dress down guidelines will not be allowed to participate in future dress down days. Allowed: athletic joggers, crocs/slides with socks, athletic shorts are allowed with biker shorts worn underneath 2 inches above the knee, and jeans free of holes, rips and frays. Not allowed: house slippers, flip flops, pajamas, costumes, onesies, hoodies, jeans with holes, hats, sunglasses, scarves worn as hats, and bandanas. Note: Dress down guidelines will be adjusted as needed. The principal holds the authority to prohibit dress down days for student misconduct and/or not adhering to dress down guidelines.
Hall pass
Students will be issued a new hall pass every nine weeks. Hall passes are required to obtain access to leave the classroom to go to the bathroom, locker, library, etc. If any student has a medical condition that requires excessive restroom use, a doctor’s excuse is required to be kept on file in the nurse’s office. Students who have medical excuses will not be penalized for excessive restroom use. Teachers have the authority to offer students a Minor Discipline Referral in lieu of hall passes in the event the student does not have his/her hall pass. Students may not travel in the halls without a hall pass.
check up form/Nurse form
Students requesting to speak to the guidance counselor, administrator, phone home for medication or to check out must submit a check-up-form to the front office.
Students are expected to complete all homework assignments. Teachers will instruct students to write homework assignments instructions or provide a handout. Upon request, the office can gather homework assignments for ill students who have missed two or more consecutive days. Parents are asked to please notify the office before 8:30 A.M., for the need to obtain assignments. Homework packets can be picked up after 1:30 P.M. Homework is designed to reinforce class lessons.
Students may check out books before school, during lunch, and by obtaining a library pass upon completion of classwork. Students must have school issued ID to check out books. A fee of $.05 each day will be charged for overdue books. Fines will be assessed for excessive damage or lost books. Elementary students will visit the library weekly during elective time.
Jr. High students are assigned a hallway locker to secure personal items. Lockers can be accessed prior to homeroom and at dismissal. Students are not permitted to use lockers during the school day. Locker combinations are confidential and must never be shared. Lockers are assigned for single use only. Sharing lockers is STRICTLY prohibited. Students must secure powered off cell phones and all blue tooth enabled devices in hallway lockers for the entire school day.
school pictures
School pictures are taken twice yearly and for all clubs and athletics. The Release of Student Information Consent Form must be signed and submitted for any student to participate in school pictures. School pictures may be posted on a variety of media including but not limited to yearbooks, newspapers, school websites, school Facebook, information regarding academic lists, athletic lists, bands, bus transportation, etc.
Textbooks, calsulators, and laptops
Consumable workbooks are provided to students for some, but not all, subjects. Contact the front office if a student’s workbook is lost or damaged. A replacement workbook can be issued for a fee determined by the St. Mary Parish School Board Office. Calculators are provided by classroom teachers when necessary. Student issued laptops are to be used for school assignments only. Misuse of technology results in disciplinary action. Misuse of technology includes but is not limited to non-school related web searches, chatting with other students via, Microsoft Word Document, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft PowerPoint (or any other communication medium), playing online or downloaded games, etc.
Cafeteria Expectations: Students are always expected to behave in a manner that is acceptable. Students are expected to maintain a clean eating environment including table, seating, and floor areas. Students that bring a lunch to school will secure his/her lunch bag during morning entry in the designated location in the cafeteria. Students are permitted to eat extra food items for a fee. Students must obtain the teacher’s permission to leave the table for any reason. Food or plate lunches from fast food restaurants or other establishments are not permitted in the cafeteria in original packaging. Soft drinks in original containers are not permitted in the cafeteria. Energy drinks such as Power Aid or Gatorade bottles are not permitted in the cafeteria. 100% fruit juice and water are allowed. Any other allowable drink must be brought into the cafeteria in a thermos type bottle. Water bottles must be clear in color. Students are not permitted to add powder flavoring into clear water bottles. The St. Mary Parish School Board voted to re-establish PJHS as a CEP (Community Eligibility Provision) school for the upcoming school year. All students eat breakfast and lunch free of charge. Students will present their ID card to be scanned at the point of service for breakfast and lunch. Snacks or any food brought from home must be in a lunch box/bag and consumed in the cafeteria. Large bags of chips or other snacks should not be brought to school. Food items brought to school must be taken out of hallway lockers daily to avoid unwanted critters in hallway lockers. Gatorade/Powerade drinks may only be allowed on school grounds in its original factory sealed container to be consumed during after school athletic events and practices. Snacks are available for purchase on designated days. Students are expected to throw all trash from snacks in garbage cans.